
Unrivaled Service for Valued Customers

Our customers deserve the best. We deliver.

At Flexovit, our mission is to be the most valued supplier of industrial abrasive products in the world. You don’t get there without the highest level of customer service in the industry.

Same-Day Shipping

All orders received before 2pm are shipped the same day, making Flexovit one of the industry's most reliable abrasive manufacturers.

Corporate Offices, Manufacturing Facility, Eastern U.S.A., Sales & Distribution Center: Flexovit USA, Inc.

1305 Eden- Evans Center Road
Angola, NY 14006
Tel: 716-549-5100
Tel: 1-800-689-3539
Fax: 716-549-7932
Fax: 1-888-321-8800

Western U.S.A. Sales & Distribution Center: Flexovit USA, Inc.

2501 Mercantile Drive, Unite E.
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Tel: 916-852-5111
Tel: 1-800-877-7242
Fax: 916-852-5112

Canada Sales & Distribution Center: Flexovit Canada Abrasives Ltd.

10 Strathearn Avenue
Brampton, Ontario L6T 4L8
Tel: 905-792-9665
English: 1-800-268-7476
French: 1-800-361-6958
Fax: 905-792-9099
Fax: 1-800-268-8776

Latin American Sales & Distribution Center: Flexovit de Latinoamérica S. de R.L. de C.V.

Puerto Mazatlán No. 240-1 Col. La Fé
San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo Leon
Mexico CP 66477
Tel: (81) 83-27-98-10
Tel: (81) 83-27-98-11
Tel: (81) 83-27-98-12
Tel: (81) 83-27-98-13

Extensive Distributor Support and Training

Flexovit supplies distributors with an unparalleled level of training and support. From sales training to in-depth abrasives workshops to our distributor co-op program, which provides financial and marketing support, we do everything we can to enable our distributors to excel at what they do.

Abrasives Expertise at Every Level

Above all else, we are abrasives experts. From our customer service personnel to our outside sales teams, every Flexovit employee is fully qualified to offer product recommendations, provide extensive support and answer any question about abrasives that might arise.

Trusted for a reason

There’s a reason that Flexovit customers are some of the most loyal in the world and it’s not just our best-in-class products. Within the abrasives industry, our commitment to exceptional service is unrivaled.